Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tips On Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

You may be feeling totally helpless when trying to find ways to get your ex boyfriend back. A breakup leaves you with feelings that can be devastating. These include feelings of anger and loneliness as well as others, all of which can be incapacitating if you let it. If you truly think that he would come back to you and that there is still a chance, then there are some things that you can do. These steps will help you to work and win him back.

The first step among the ways to get your ex boyfriend back is a little bit unconventional, and that is to mourn over the breakup. Many studies have shown that the loss felt over a breakup can have the same effect as the death of a loved one. Grieving and morning the breakup is a healthy and natural was to start to recover. Make sure to eat well and keep up with sleep exercise. Friends will also provide an important support structure.

Once you are in a place where thoughts run clear, you can take the time to evaluate exactly where things went wrong and why the breakup occurred. First of all, you need to ask if you want to get back together or if need to move on. Getting back together means that you should try and understand why things happened. Understand that in a breakup, both parties have some fault. Knowing what happened is important when it comes to successfully implementing the ways to get your ex boyfriend back.

Once you have identified the problem at the center of the breakup, you can spend the time to workout the problem and solve it. It could be that you need to change, understand where he is coming from and adapt to him. It may even be the case that you need to accept his many bad qualities. There may also be a strong dividing force over a strong issue. No matter what happened, issues can be worked out and people can move on.

The next step among the ways to get your ex boyfriend back is to satiate your boyfriend's ego. Typically, men have a larger ego, and this can get hurt when a breakup occurs. After a failure, their confidence will suffer and will need a boost in order to have things move along. This will require that you apologize and take some of the blame away from them.

There are many ways to get your ex boyfriend back after a rough breakup. What it will take is for you to first mourn your breakup, and then evaluate why the breakup occurred. Once you have discovered the issue, you can start to address it and solve things. You should not try to change you ex boyfriend, as a break up will leave him in a weakened state as well. Instead, your focus should be on yourself. This is the sure fired way in winning their love in return and being able to restart your broken relationship.

Friday, January 14, 2011

9 Ways To Get Ex Back Hating You

So you want to know ways to get ex back in love with you? Be careful what actions you take in your efforts to get ex back. If you aren’t careful you may find more ways to get ex back hating you instead of loving you. Here are ways to get ex back hating you. If you don’t want your ex to hate you then DO NOT do these things.

Call them several times a day. This will bug them like crazy and may cause them to block your number. You can always get more numbers, though. Disposable phones and using friend’s cell phones are easy ways to get this done.

Keep writing them and letting them know how much you miss them. Letters, Emails, and Text Messages can hit them from several directions. Leave notes on their windshield. This is a great way to get their attention (and wrath).

Remind them frequently of things that they said and promises they made. Who says that things have to change? They said it once, so they must have meant it forever and just forgot. Constantly remind them. You will only be reminding them how good an idea it was to leave you.

Follow/Stalk them and let them know that every minute they live, you are right there. Every single breathe they take, you’ll be watching them. Be sure to grin whenever they see you. They will think your crazy and you may scare them. Be ready for the restraining order.

Bother their friends. Ask them constantly how they are doing and see if you can find out where they are going to be. Try to go everywhere that the friends are. Most likely they will be trying to get rid of you.

Call their new love interest and let the new flame know that you are the real love and it is only a matter of time before your ways to get ex back works. More than likely you will end up making both of them hate you and they could end up becoming closer because of the harassing you do.

Call their parents and try to be their parent’s best friend. You will only get the parents mad at you as well or drive a wedge between your ex and his parents. Either way, you have given your ex more reason to hate you.

Try dating their best friend. Your efforts to make them jealous may end up ruining another of their relationships. Sooner or later the best friend will realize that you are just using them and you will be alone again.

Call their workplace and ask about him or ask to talk to him. That will be a great way to get your ex back hating you, especially if it costs them their job.

There are ways to get ex back in love with you but get help and find out what things work. Be careful who you try to get help from. If they have a successful, long lasting romance or are trained at giving relationship advice, then they are good to get help from. If they have had a lot of short term relationships they may not be the best one to get help from. Follow your heart if you want to get ex back, but be careful what you do. Not all ways to get ex back that come to you naturally will make them love you again.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Does Conflict Affect Men More Codependent Relationship Psychology?

In trying to overcome conflicts in a codependent relationship, psychology may help us understand why men and women react differently. If you are dating or in a marriage, there are going to be arguments from time to time. What can make things worse is if the two people's ways of dealing with conflict cause them to make things worse. Many marriages have turned to marriage counselors and those who aren't married will still seek out relationship advice. Most counseling will help you realize some things that may help each understand the difference between normal relationships and codependent relationships and how the other party thinks.

There was a study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health which showed that most couples who had been together for only a couple of months between the ages of 18 and 21 avoidedintimacy and being dependent on their other half. They also showed levels of anxiety concerning being rejected or abandoned. Those tested all exhibited different degrees of the anxiety over being abandoned. Of course those who were more secure in themselves had lower levels and others, depending on how they dealt with anxiety and thought about abandonment, reacted differently as well.

What was interesting in the testing was how differently the results were in both men and women. The ones researching relationship psychology using these subjects found that in their physiological reaction to relationship conflict, the reaction in men was more easily noticeable. Most of the reaction was increased anxiety for the majority of men while only those women who are the more avoidant types showed any real changes.

Women are more likely to want to guide a conversation in trying to resolve conflict in a relationship. Psychology shows them to be, in this situation, the ones actively working to get the situation resolved. While they were showing increased levels of cortisol before and during the confrontation, the levels dropped significantly. They showed that getting the conflict over quickly was more physiologically satisfying.

Men, however, showed to be more passive in conflict resolution. While there was evidence that they, too, wanted the conflict to be resolved they weren't anxious to confront the conflict head on. Those men who had female partners who were more secure showed lower levels of anxiety. Women showed no change in their levels of anxiety whether their male counterpart was secure or not.

When you seek out relationship and codependent relationship advice, whether you go to family therapy or psychologists, they are going to try to help you understand how men and women react differently. The above research on studying the effects of conflict in men and women will help you know why the react the way that they do in the relationship. Psychology and physiological research will help you deal with conflict better.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

With A Strong Relationship Depression Can Be Beat

The only thing worse than going through depression is being in a codependent relationship with someone who is showing signs of relationship depression. It is difficult to watch them go through this dark period of life. Many relationships end because of it because there doesn't seem to be any end to it and it begins to wear on both people in the relationship.

Depression makes people think irrationally and causes them to be blind to the good things in life, like you. They will make you feel like everything you do to try and make their world a little better is a wasted effort. It isn't, though.

The fact that you are there beside them means more to them than you will ever realize. They wouldn't blame you for leaving and will sometimes try and make the decision easier for you. They don't really want you to leave, though. They want you to be with them and help if you can.

The first thing that you can do to help them deal with their depression is to understand it. Educate yourself about this mental disorder. Seek out to find what causes it. It could be because they lost a job or did something that brought on a feeling of failure. There are many reasons that it could have started but one thing is certain, even if you are in a strong relationship, depression, once it has begun can snowball.

You will need to make sure that you take care of yourself in this relationship. Depression, gone unchecked, can be contagious. When you are learning about depression make sure that you are watching for signs that you may be exhibiting. If you are then you should be quick in seeking help from psychologists or counselors. Once both of you start falling into depression it may be impossible for either of you to see the light of day. When you start getting worn down because of the weight of it all try and take some time to step back away from it and take care

A past relationship and depression sometimes go hand in hand. When a relationship has failed it is easy to feel like every relationship after that is doomed to fail. Once someone begins feeling that way they will many times turn their current relationships in to a failed one. If this has begun to happen it is important to get relationship advice from marriage counselors and work with them to prevent it. This is not the only reason that marriages or dating relationships fail while one is in depression. Just the strain will cause it to suffer. Seek relationship advice from trained professionals as much as possible.

Above all, do not give up. Believe that you can help them overcome their depression and believe that the effort you are making matters. There are few things more powerful than what can come from a strong relationship. Depression is a tough foe but it can be beaten when the one you love has you to depend on. With a strong relationship depression can be beat.